
If you are a leaseholder, the handbook on the right has useful information to help you to manage your lease. It includes details on your responsibilities and our responsibilities under the lease, service charges, consultation, and repairs.

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Leaseholder Handbook

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Leaseholder Services

We offer a range of services to maintain the structure of the building that your property is part of. We also look after shared areas such as hallways, stairs and courtyards. You can find out what we offer when it comes to cleaning and grounds maintenance on the right:

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Selling your home (assigning your lease)

If you're planning to sell your property or make changes to it, you might need our permission. If that's the case, there will be an admin fee to cover our costs. Check your lease for more details.

These fees are charged by Freebridge Community Housing Limited for handling your request. They only cover our admin costs and don’t include any additional charges related to the property or legal documents. You’ll also need to cover your own legal fees separately, so it’s a good idea to speak with your solicitor about their costs.

In some cases, we may need to outsource legal work, and any associated fees will also need to be covered by you.

S.156A Offer Back Certificate


S.157 Rural Area Restriction Approval


Leasehold Questionnaires (LPE1)


Notice of Assignment (Residential)


Deed of Covenant on Assignment


Deed of Postponement


Notice of Re-mortgage (residential)


Restrictive Covenant Consent for Alterations


Retrospective Covenant Consent for Alterations


Other Covenants

Fee to be individually assessed 

If you are enquiring about a S157 Rural Area restriction on your property please forward us the following:

  • Official copy register entries and title plan
  • Copy of the original right to buy conveyance
  • Full names and address of the proposed purchaser together with evidence to show the purchaser has lived and/or worked in the Borough of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk (or Norfolk depending on the restriction on the title) for the last three years. This evidence must cover the full three years up to the current date with no gaps. 
  • Confirmation that the purchaser intends to live in the property, or 
  • If the purchaser intends to let the property the purchaser must sign an undertaking to let to people who will meet the s157 restriction. 
  • Payment of Freebridge’s legal fees, £150 made to the details as below using the reference S157/address (e.g. S157/1 The Street) to Freebridge Community Housing Ltd, Sort Code 53-61-38 and Account Number 66 56 06 83

Please note that without this full information and payment we are unable to consider your request.

If you are enquiring about a S156a offer back certificate please forward us the following:

  • The full property address including post code
  • The existing owner/s name/s and contact details
  • Payment of Freebridge’s legal fees, £150 made to the details as below using the reference S157/address (e.g. S157/1 The Street) to Freebridge Community Housing Ltd, Sort Code 53-61-38 and Account Number 66 56 06 83

Please note that without this full information and payment we are unable to consider your request. Freebridge will provide a response and certificate where appropriate within 8 weeks.

If you are enquiring about an LPE1 to sell on your leasehold home please forward us the following:

  • The full property address including post code
  • The existing leaseholder/s name/s and contact details
  • Copy of the Memo of Sale

This information will be passed onto our external solicitors who will be in touch to request both Freebridge’s fee of £250 and a fee to cover their costs in dealing with the enquiry.  Please note that without this full information and payment we are unable to consider your request.

If you are enquiring about a Shared Ownership resale please forward us the following:

  • The full property address including post code
  • The shared owner/s name/s and contact details
  • Confirmation that all leaseholders wish to sell

Please note that Freebridge do not hold a waiting list of potential Shared Ownership buyers

If you are selling your existing share a RICS valuation is not needed.  

It is possible to sell more than your existing share, if this is the case a RICS valuation is needed. In this case Freebridge will instruct the valuer on the shared owner’s behalf, subject to payment of the valuation cost, currently this is £390 including VAT.

If you are enquiring about a Shared Ownership staircasing, either additional shares or to 100% ownership please forward us the following:

  • The full property address including post code
  • The shared owner/s name/s and contact details
  • Confirmation that all leaseholders wish to staircase
  • How much they wish to staircase by
  • Any improvements made by the shared owners

Please note that Freebridge do not hold a waiting list of potential Shared Ownership buyers

With this information Freebridge will review the eligibility of the shared owner to staircase, if eligible Freebridge will instruct the valuer on the shared owner’s behalf, subject to payment of the valuation cost, currently this is £390 including VAT

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