If you have a full assured tenancy with Freebridge, you have the right to take in a lodger. This does not apply to some other types of tenancy - please ask us for more details.
If you decide to take in a lodger you must consider the following points:
We all want to support those who have been forced to flee their homes because of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.
If you are wondering what you can do to help and support those affected, then you could donate to the Ukraine Emergency Appeal or if you have a spare room, you can apply to be part of the Government’s Homes for Ukraine Scheme.
The Government will make a thank you payment of £350 a month for hosting guests in your home from Ukraine. This does not stop the need for you to pay your rent as normal, and you must not charge your guests any additional rent.
If you’re claiming Universal Credit or housing benefit it’s up to you to make sure you have let the Department of Work and Pensions or local authority know.
If you are a single person claiming a council tax allowance, you may also need to inform your local council tax department.
Please remember, people who come to your home from Ukraine might be going through a significant level of trauma. Their lives have been turned upside down and they could be experiencing grief for friends and family. While there is no legal requirement for you to help them with things like registering with a GP or getting a job, please do support them with small daily tasks or potentially helping them understand English if you can. Please be patient with them while they adjust to their new lives.