Freebridge Customer Voice Update


Our Customer Voice Lead Rebecca, gives us an update on her work with the TPAS Engagement Research project.

The TPAS Research sessions have now come to an end and we would like to thank all of those who have engaged with us on the TPAS work and have taken the time to complete surveys to help us move forwards on other projects. Your input is really making a difference!

The sessions were attended by tenants, Tenant Panel and Board members, along with some of you too. Working together, they have voiced their opinions on what customer engagement should look like moving forwards and we have captured some of those voices in a short video below.

Over the next coming weeks we will be meeting with everyone who participated in the TPAS research to put forward a Customer Engagement framework for them to support. Once we have made the changes and received Board approval, we will update everyone on our next steps.

We'll hear from her again soon with the next update!

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